Wesley Chan & Philip Wang from Wong Fu Productions
On Saturday I was given the chance to meet 2 special people, who actually did somehow inspire me to my passion and they are no other than the Wong Fu Productions! I was lucky that my boss offered me a free ticket to the event and I got to sit on the second roll with the media and get to go up front to take photographs as near as possible.
You might wonder why is Ted not in the photograph. Well, this is because he was caught up with something back home, hence he did not fly over to Malaysia with Wesley and Philip. Nevertheless, Ted had created a video presentation to show us his "existence" in Malaysia.
There were 3 different Wong Fu sessions thoughout the day and I've only attended the last "Wong Fu 4 LYFE" session at 7pm where they tell us all about themselves like a casual chat/talk show and a Q&A session open to the floor at the end.
What I was jealous most that night was this guy who got to submit his application to be an intern over in LA this summer! I've always been dreaming to be in position (if he ever gets in) and guess this is not gonna happen to me. It will remain as a dream.
One thing I remember Phil said that night was, we must put your ego aside and must not act as though you know everything. Indeed, compromising is important when you are in a team and with this attitude will make the team stronger! (That's what I think-lah)
Well, that's all for now, please visit The Cube Productions for more photographs of the event and last but not least, THANK YOU BOSS!! =D