Yeap, Im back again! Sorry for the long lost period, but I've a valid reason and excuse.
Right after the last entry, I was working my mind off to finish all my final assignments and projects. I only (sort of) finish my assignments around the first week of November and that was also when my friends started coming visiting one by one.
Currently, I have 2 girls in my room, packing up and ready to leave. I believe I'll be slightly free after that, but I cannot deny the fact that I have one more essay to write. After the essay, all I need to do is cross my fingers, and pray hard, hoping I pass all my subjects and get to graduate successfully!
Adelaide is not really a big city and in fact, we have nothing much to do here. So this trip, for my friends, can consider one relaxing tour. 4 days 3 nights over in Adelaide, we only been to 2 places - Hahndorf and Glenelg.
Photograph above was taken from Glenelg. Thanks to Ms Rachel who got the stone and shell from the sea (or wherever she found it).
My life here is still alright, not too bad. And hopefully I get to find some jobs or internship to do before I go back. I still have a long time to go before going back for good. So I must not waste time =D
Take care people! And do follow for more news about my life here. Cheers!
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