I wonder if you guys remember the blog entry KIDNAP I've posted in mid October, it was about my Drama Production individual assignment - a 3 minutes narrative piece - and I posted a poster for it too.
This time, I'm gonna blog about my second assignment - a 6 minutes narrative piece group work. In the beginning of the course, I teamed up with Rachel and Sophia (as per course requirement - to team up with 2 other classmates) in order to assist each other during our project and the second assignment require us to come out with a 6 minutes story with the same requirement as the first.
After a few session of brainstorming, we decided to come out with this story, a story which goes around this ribbon hair clip. Rachel was sort of the scriptwriter while me and Sophia did most of the directing job. Editing was done by all of us together and we are quite happy with what we've produced. Though, there are some mistake which can be avoided if we are more careful.
Have a look at our short film:
(The quality of this video is not as good as the previous as this is not recorded in HD)
We spent 3 days getting all footages we needed, got help from so many people as our talents, and work in different setting and time. It was indeed tiring but at least it's worth it.
Of course, I wish and I know there are room for improvement for most of my production. Hopefully, I will able to direct a better video/short film soon. Do comment and let me know if this is good or not. Point out my mistake and let me know how can I improve from it. I would much appreciate your help.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank those who have helped us during the production especially the talents, for your time and cooperation. Thank you so much and I would like to work with you guys if there is any other opportunity!
Thanks and take care!
3 inner voice(s):
not bad ..
n u still look good....hahhaa ;p
you capture the poster yourself? I love it man! The color is nice! Nice effort there:]
Danny, thank you! Nothing bad ke?
Chenlin, yea, took it myself and edited it of course. Thank you!
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