Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm tired!

The knocking on the door indicates that it’s really late already and dad is warning me to go to bed soon. However, I have assignments to rush on and I cannot afford to even take a nap. It’s already 2 something in the morning when my dad knocks on my door, I can’t do anything but to tell him that I’m almost done hoping that he will go straight to his room. Think about it, if I don’t have assignments to rush on, will I be awake at that hour? No, definitely not!

Listening to Golden Eye by Tina Turner, a soft and calming kind of music, just suite my mood now.

I’ve already AssignIT my Journalism Ethics first assignment and done e-mailing my quiz’s answer to Mr Justin. Next assignment on this list, Introduction to Film and TV Production preproduction documents which due next week. Guess I need to start doing it already before I ended up not sleeping again.

I’ve been sleeping quite late and wake up at 6am in the morning for this week. Today I did not even sleep since my brain was quite slow while doing my assignment. I hope I will be alright later, need to drink lots of water and consume more fruits!

Touched my forehead, it’s kinda warm. Hmmm, I seriously need to take care of myself already!

Gonna wait for the clock strikes 6 and off I go to take my bath and to print my assignments out. Geoffrey requested me to give him a morning call at 6.30am and insisted me to shout at him to make sure he’s awake.

Not going to have much rest time later also. After my morning Journalism Ethics class will go to CPE to work and then gonna go work some more. Not that I am desperate for money, but I’ve promised to help my friend so that’s why. I didn’t know I will stay awake throughout the night when I agreed to help him.

Tata! See ya around or in college!!

2 inner voice(s):

Anonymous said...


-GiNo- said...

hahahaha its normal for us graphics and multimedian so i got use to it... if u cant make sure u dont or it will be catastrophic .... tiredness kills....