Like yesterday, I have nothing to do. Went through the same old routine, sweep floor, clean house, tidy my room... And the main thing is I am still stuck at home! I can't go out~
But, at least I started doing some of my important stuff today. I contacted a friend regarding the costing of the PA System, inquiring the amount of people who attended the previous camp, sort out the money for my beloved classmates, and even wrote a letter, yea, which is the one above!
Not a love letter though, but a friendly request. Well, my friend wants to improve her Chinese writing skills, that's why she asked me to do her a favor, send and reply letter with pure Chinese. And finally here it is! It took me about 1 hour to write a letter, imagine it. I can type it within 30 minutes, but good also la, at least I can train my hand since it has been quite some time I stop writing already. It's a good way to improve my Chinese writing skills too! I actually forgot some of the words and need to refer to the computer, no doubt, that's bad!
*After 5 minutes checking the
college portal while blogging*
college portal while blogging*
I guess I got a REAL BAD NEWS! I saw this from one of the portal:

I'm not enrolled in any courses?! WTH?
So I went to the next portal wanting to register my subjects and only I found that,

Online Subject Registration Closed?!?! WTF?!
*stoned for 5 second*
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