This is so gonna be a random entry!
Since there are too many EMO entries lately.
And I don't feel like stuffing all emotional entries in January.
January is suppose to be a jolly month to me,
and why am I suffering like a psychotic madman?
My random entry, here goes:
I just realized,
that I can't even FRIED AN EGG! o_O||
Random entry ends here.
How random?
7 inner voice(s):
Come find me and I'll teach you a skill or two.. :P
Cannot fry egg can pour hot water into Cup noodles rite?
Just simple stuffs.. LoL..
Yea.. It's cool if you can click through blogs.. :P
U know how to pour hot water ma...
It means u wont die of hunger...
Just kidding, hope u don mind...
haha.. fry egg a... slowly learn lor =p dun burn down ur kitchen
You need to get the books
DUMMIES on How To Fry An EGG :)
Hehehe :p
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